Wednesday, December 30, 2009


I keep getting asked if Tate looks like my other kids did when they were babies. I decided to just post some pics and let everyone decide for themselves.
Here's Tate at 5 weeks. This is one of the first smiles we were able to get a picture of.
This is Caden at about 5 or 6 weeks.

And here's Ky at about the same age.


Melissa said...

I don't think he looks like Caden at all. If he looks like some one it is Ky. But i kind of think all your kids look different.

Hill Family said...

I don't know who he looks like, but he such a cute kid!

Kaja said...

They're all related, that's for sure :)

The Suzzzz said...

Kyla and Caden look similar but Tate is his own man. Tate definitely looks like the Haslem boys!

Adventures in Heywood said...

I think they all look different, but all look related, but I can't tell you why. :)

Anonymous said...

I think they are all beautiful babies!! What sweet smiles. :)

Grandma and Grandpa go on a Mission said...

the pictures you need to post with this are your's and Brent's baby pictures. You think I could remember what my own son looked like as a baby, but I cant

Christie said...

I think they all have their own look -- cute! Now that you're not next-door I'll have to check in here to catch up.

The Suzzzz said...

Hey...where is that photo Brent took of Dave's lobster on my head? I need it.