Saturday, September 19, 2009

5, really!?

I, like most parents, can never believe how big my kids are getting. On thursday Kyla had her 5th birthday. It was just yesterday that she looked like this...

She had a great time at her party. She was so excited to have her friends over and they all played so well together. Here are a couple of pics from her party. You might notice there are no pictures of her actually opening her presents. That's because I was distracted for two minutes and when I came back, all the presents were open.

I let them decorate their own cupcakes. Doesn't that look disgusting.
I set up a treasure hunt for them. At the end they were all still looking for clues, but Kylee figured out.
This is how Caden looked several times that day. I tried to include him in everything but he still felt jipped.


Alabama Apples said...

I hear you on that...they DO grow so fast! Where does the time go? You're such a good mommy to throw a party. My poor boys have yet to experience their own birthday party. Definitely for their 8th...How are you feeling?

Christie said...

Aaah, kids' birthday parties. Barely controlled chaos. That's my experience, anyway. Looks like you all survived. Whew!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Kyla! Such a good mom to let her have friends over, I am with Liberty, definitely for their 8th but probably not sooner haha...

Love you, miss you, hope you are doing well!

Adventures in Heywood said...

I love kids b-day parties! Yeah, they're chaos, but they're just way more fun than boring adult parties for activities and food! haha.

The Suzzzz said...

Poor Caden, I thought it was funny when he started bawling when Kyla blew out the candles on her cake.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes when I'm going through drama with the kids I think they'll never grow up. Often though, I find they grow quicker then I can believe. It looks like the party was a 5 yr. old girl's dream!! Who wouldn't love to decorate their own cupcake?!! It looks like she had a blast...sans a few sad Caden moments. :)