Sunday, January 11, 2009

Hawaiian Snow

We were so homesick yesterday that we decided to go find the only snow in thousands of miles. So up to the top of Mauna Kea we went. Actually we went up to see all the massive telescopes they have up there.
This is the telescope that we went into. It was so funny, all the hawaiian were bringing their trucks up the mountain and filling the bed with snow. Then hauling the snow down the mountain.


J D C and N said...

Okay I am so totally jealous!! I can't wait to get back to Hawaii. Are you guys hitting up any other islands too? Looks like so much fun! Yay for you guys!!!

Kassey said...

Okay you suck!!! Why would you go find snow when that is what you will be coming home too!! Wish I was somewhere warm!!

McCain said...

Are you crazy? Why would you seek out snow? We are so sick of the snow. Maybe it's more fun in Hawaii :). Hope you guys are doing good!

Jeff and Rebecca said...

I'm so jealous that you're in Hawaii! Someday I'll go there... Anyway looks like fun!